Sleep disturbances can affect anyone - from the tiniest of babies to those in their 90’'s.
The underlying reason can sometimes feel like a mystery. Whether it be a diagnosed western medicine condition, or just something you are struggling with, sleep is something we all most definitely need! And we need plenty of it!
With the busy society we live in today, if you are suffering from a lack of sleep then acupuncture could well be a useful treatment option for you.
Commonly seen complaints in clinic include
inability to get to sleep
inability to stay asleep
needing too much sleep
waking frequently
getting up too early in the morning
a “racing brain” at bed time
feeling exhausted on waking
feeling lethargic even when you’ve had a good sleep
Shift workers & acupuncture
Shift workers may suffer sleep disturbances from a combination of varied schedules/shifts, sometimes emotional stress during those shifts, long nights and sleeping all day, eating less than optimal foods and just not being able to find a rhythm with sleeping patterns.
These days there are so many people working shifts that “bad sleep” seems to have become a common problem - but that need not be the case.
Having been a shift worker as a Police Officer, Dr. Rebecca Brook knows all too well the signs of a lack of sleep! She has noticed in treating fellow Emergency Services workers in her career that commonly seen complaints include
mood swings
subjective increases in pain from any injuries (as in, you feel your pain worse then when you are sleeping well)
lack of libido
lack of appetite
feeling like a zombie!
exhaustion on certain shifts
inability to stop the mind from racing
If you would like to discuss your sleep concerns and book an appointment, follow the link below to book a time.