Acupuncture - Chinese Medicine - Kinesiology - Massage - Yin Yoga in the heart of Christies Beach
Adelaide Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treatments
Remedial Massage - Kinesiology - Reiki - Yin Yoga
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into various specific points on the body which have influence on your Qi (the body’s energy). It is based on a classical TCM theory that there are channels or meridians of energy running throughout our bodies which manage & maintain our energy flow. Each channel also corresponds to our bodily organs (internal medicine).
As 4yr degree qualified and highly trained Acupuncturists, our practitioners will insert acu pins at various places on your body, depending on the severity and nature of that condition we are treating. These can be anywhere, including in the ears (auricular acupuncture), scalp, hands and feet, limbs, tummy or back.
Acupuncture actually feels good! It induces sensations like no other modality can. Some patients report feeling their energy shifting as they lay quietly, others report deep relaxation and calmness. Whatever you feel, it won’t be scary or painful or like you’re having blood taken! Nothing of the sort…but each person has their own experience. Come and find out what yours will be…
Herbal medicine
Easy to use herbal formulas are often prescribed to support the work we do in clinic. Dr. Rebecca Brook views herbal formulas as essential in some cases, especially where patients have long term complaints-the body likes repetition, and treating yourself at home using herbs means consistency!
Giving the human body messages every day (by taking your herbs) means the body has support in-between physical acupuncture treatments.
There are variations of formulas including
tablets or pills
liquid formulas
If you are prescribed a formula know that it is with purpose-to improve the condition you sought treatment for, and enhance overall health and wellbeing.
Different formulas are for different parts of the body, different organs, different chinese medicine patterns, or different conditions.
Yin Yoga
YIN YOGA CLASSES - Friday nights, 6-7pm with tea afterwards
Your instructor is Kelly Bennetta from Beachside Wellbeing.
Casual classes $22
Class passes available
Maximum of ten yogis to enhance the intimate setting, providing more 1-1 focus where needed.
Visit Kelly’s website @ Beachside Wellbeing for all the info and to book your spot on the mat.
Traditional Chinese Cupping
Cupping is everywhere these days.
However as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) our acupuncturists use cupping for both diagnostic and treatment purposes. It doesn’t just look “cool”, it serves a much broader purpose!
Traditional flame cupping utilises a heat source to remove oxygen from the cup, thus creating suction. Cups are placed on your skin in various locations, depending on your treatment. Analysis is then done and results of this diagnostic tools are used to support diagnosis/treatment. OR, we may require further investigation to enhance your treatment and optimise outcomes.
As acupuncturists, we utilise the results of your cupping for further treatment recommendations, differential diagnosis and as therapy. Being skilled with cupping techniques comes hand in hand with being a Dr. of Chinese Medicine/Acupuncturist.
Chinese Dietetics
Are you unsure WHAT to eat?
Do you find meal planning confusing? Could the foods you eat be causing you some harm?
Book a Chinese Dietetics Package to receive your first two sessions, a comprehensive guide for your food intake, and a Review consult 2wks later. Take charge of something you do every single day - YOU EAT!
Remedial Massage
Alice Hederics joins the team on the 24th of March, 2025.
She believes in the power of massage therapy to restore balance and harmony to your body and tailors massages to suit your individual needs.
She can incorporate a variety of modalities into each session including remedial, relaxation, and hot stone massage, along with myofascial cupping and reiki.
Amie Benton is our regular Kinesiologist, in clinic each Thursday arvo/evening and atl Saturdays. Kinesiology is a holistic practice intended to determine the cause of imbalances (stressors) in the body and release them, bringing your body back to harmony. It is a complementary therapy, so the purpose isn't to diagnose or treat illness.
The practice of Kinesiology considers the deep connections between the physical aspects of the body, the psychological aspects of the mind and the energetic structures that form our being.
With a method known as muscle monitoring; a practitioner can identify, assess and correct imbalances in the body; promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. There is also a focus on relaying the principles and structures behind the practice and enhancing awareness of body and self. -
Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture
If you've been wanting to get some tone back in your facial muscles, improve skin texture, combat acne or any other skin concern, or nourish those wrinkles, then this treatment is for you.
1hr Cosmetic Acupuncture - $155
**You MUST have undergone your Initial Acupuncture Consult PRIOR to booking follow up appointments
We have a range of products to support your treatments including
- Birthing coombs for Mum-to-be
- Herbal teas for menopause, nursing, birth preparation, sleep and more
- Gua sha tools and facial cupping equipment
- Wheatbags
Both in eastern cultures and booming in popularity in the western world, we see Acupuncture as a widely used modality. So what makes Acupuncture so popular?
Easily accessible treatment
Practitioners need to be registered through AHPRA, so strict regulations and guidelines in treatment must be met
Acupuncturists perfect the art form of acupuncture needle insertion-it’s not a side note! We use this technique during our degree studies (at a minimum) 900 hours BEFORE we graduate. Experience is key when it comes to needling, and Acupuncturists have it.
It is relaxing, calming, and supports well over 100 conditions according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and growing evidence to support acupuncture use gives this treatment mainstream momentum. Read more about acupuncture and the evidence here
Our Practitioners are available for bookings for ANY health concern.
Some specific areas of interest include
Reproductive health and sexual health (men and women)
Fertility, IVF acupuncture support and preconception care
Conception plans and BBT tracking support
Pain management and injury management
Musculoskeletal aches and pains
Migraines/headaches/neck and back pain
Chronic conditions
Paediatric care for children
Sleep and insomnia
Digestive and gut health
Stress management
Skin and Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (Cosmetic Acupuncture)
Our degree qualified Acupuncturists provide professional, extensive services to all patients, offering a range of treatment options.
Start your journey to improved health today!